
At Thorold Family Dental we are experienced in a variety of treatments and procedures

For more details please read the information below.

  • General Dentistry encompasses the assessment, diagnosis, prevention, and management of conditions in the mouth, face or surrounding structures. While we offer a comprehensive range of general treatments at our practice, our primary focus is on prevention. We realize that children, adults and seniors have different needs and will design customized checkup and cleaning schedules based on each patient’s varying needs. By prioritizing prevention and general maintenance, our objective is to help you and your loved ones avoid any adverse dental problems.

  • A dental cleaning involves the removal of debris and staining from your teeth by a hygienist. Debris can be soft in the form of plaque (containing food particles and bacteria) or hard in the form of calculus (hardened, accumulated plaque). Following the cleaning process, polishing will be performed.

  • When a tooth fractures or is diagnosed with a cavity, a filling (restoration) is needed. The tooth will be prepared by removing the cavity and a restoration will be placed to rebuild the tooth. Our office focuses on using white resin filling materials and the dentist will anesthetize the area for your comfort.

  • Sometimes, if a tooth is cracked or decayed beyond repair it may need to be extracted. We also offer wisdom teeth extractions and can refer to specialists for more complicated procedures. We will ensure the area is completely anaesthetized during your extraction.

  • Root canal therapy is a procedure in which diseased pulp tissue is removed from the center of your tooth. Pulp is the soft tissue inside your teeth that contains blood vessels and nerves. If a crack or decay has compromised the pulp tissue, a root canal may be required. During a root canal the infected pulp is removed and the canal are then disinfected and sealed.

  • A crown is a covering or cap that is placed over a tooth to help restore its natural shape, function and aesthetics. A crown is typically made of porcelain but also metal or gold can also be used.

    A crown is often needed to strengthen a tooth after a root canal or prevent fracture of teeth with large fillings. Crowns can also be used to improve the appearance of discoloured and misshapen teeth.

  • Bridges are used to fill spaces left in your mouth by missing teeth. They fill the vacant space by using adjacent teeth for support which are then attached to artificial teeth. Bridges are permanently cemented into place. Like a crown, bridges can be made of porcelain, metal, gold or any combination of these.

  • Dental implants are posts that are made of titanium or other compatible materials and are surgically placed in the jaw bone. An Implant is used as an anchor to replace missing teeth with crowns, bridges and even dentures.

  • Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in treating patients with teeth that are in an improper position causing an improper bite. Orthodontic treatment aims to provide straight and aligned teeth that meet properly together with other teeth in the jaw. A proper bite will make eating, chewing and speaking much easier. Orthodontics are also used in cosmetic dentistry where the goal is to achieve a great looking smile.

  • Dentures are a removable appliance that can be used to replace missing teeth. Dentures can be made from acrylic, resin, nylon, metal and porcelain. Full dentures can replace an entire arch of missing teeth and will rest on the roof of your mouth, gums or lower jawbone. Partial dentures can be used to replace several missing and will rest on your gums but also have special clasps that use the remaining teeth as anchors. Full or partial dentures can also be attached to implants for even more support and stability.

  • Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth, mouth and smile. Cosmetic dentistry involves elective treatments to restore the smile that you’ve always wanted. Our office provides a wide array of cosmetic treatment including white restorations, teeth whitening, and all ceramic crowns or veneers.

  • A night guard is a thin appliance made by taking a custom mold of your teeth. It will protect the teeth from the damage of grinding or clenching and can also help with symptoms such as headaches.

    A sports mouth guard is advised for people that participate in certain sports, especially contact sports. The mouth guard can reduce the risk of fractured teeth, cut lips and overall damage to your mouth.

Have any questions?

Call us today at (905) 227-1480 and we would be more than happy to help.

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Reach out and we’ll set you up with the next available appointment time.